Thanks messenger for this very revealing letter.
Again this is just a half-a$$ed attempt to appear to have a wonderful, spirit-guided policy in place.
It emphasizes only the "spiritual rules" and boundaries of needing more than one witness if the accused denies the charges, but no mention of the elders' DUTY first to protect the child and other children from further abuse by getting the proper authorities involved and proper jail sentences in place...and no mention of guiding or instructing the parents to call the authorities.
Therefore let this serve as a reminder that child molestation is a sin, something viewed as abhorrent. It is a heinous crime according to Caesars law.
This is the only mention of "Caesar's" involvement anywhere in this letter, and since "T he instructors have been directed to take no questions regarding the comments in this letter," where does this leave the elders who may be wondering what to do about "Caesar"?
And here we go again with categorizing everyone who questions or makes accusations of the WTS's and elders' errors and mishandling of 1,000s of victims, as being "those who cause divisions" ...comparing them to those against Jesus when "Jesus was accused of false charges", labelling all charges as "misrepresentations" and that the news reports "may quote apostate or unreliable sources".
And of course the inevitable.... "To Christians such misrepresentations is one evidence that they are indeed walking in harmony with Gods truth." Yes.....these accusations are just further proof that the WTS is God's organization so don't be bothered by any such lies ...blah, blah, blah.
I too cannot believe how much of this drivel I used to swallow.
I do believe now though that this will not go away and will continue to haunt them thanks to the bravery of those victims speaking out now for themselves and for those that still cannot speak out.
Had Enough